Fight cycle by cycle.

Wednesday and today I start cycle four of the chemo drugs. I’ve not had a gap between cycles this time and I am going straight from cycle 3 to cycle 4. I wake up to find my partner also awake and pretty soon we are having a warm drink adn discussing whether we should do a morning podcast of our waking up conversations. On balance we decide against it. We do not think we can live up to Mortimer and Whitehouse go fishing. Up for a shower I clean the shower head to get rid of the pesky red light that keeps flashing CS at me and then shower. Surfacing clean with long flowing white locks I have breakfast with morning meds and then pack for the trip to Felixstowe. Never takes me long to pack and what seems a short while the car is packed and ready to go, so we do.

There is a brief early stop for wine gums and water, the two things I cannot do with out on a long drive. Once provisioned we set off. We get ten miles down the M1 and the tyre pressure light comes on. I am not amused they were checked yesterday. I plough on till a service station off on the A 14. The tyres get checked again, nothing wrong at all, the system on the car is over sensitive, I turn it off and then drive on. With only one brief stop on the way the destination is reached. There is the usual tricky bit at the end involving asking locals but we find it and settle in to the three story town house for the four night stay. Recovery coffee, pastry and cheese sandwich eaten its time to explore what Felixstowe has to offer.

This is the house me and my partner are staying in.

I go for a walk with my partner down the promenade towards the town. To one side the sea to the other amusements and fish and chip shops. We walk a kilometre to the pier and then return. Along the way I take the odd snap strangely taken by this very English seaside port town.

I guess everywhere has an “eye” now.
Looking towards the Fort.

Once back at our town house base I flop but when I go for a piss there is blood. It would seem that if I walk more than 2 kilometres it triggers the bleeding. Things were going so well. I sit in a chair and do a crossword, read some more of calypso. I go up to the third floor where there is a sitting area next to the balcony. I read some more Calypso and watch my partner draw. I return to the ground floor to start the blog as my partner prepares tea. We eat and I take paracetamol and return to the blog. The evening draws in and the TV goes on to watch a series. Its going to be an early night. Not a good way to start cycle 4, but I am by the ocean.

Oceans upon oceans.