Fight and the rewards are in the arithmetic.
Never before had only one pink, out of range score. Hell go me!

Saturday, well the full blood scores were pretty damn good to wake up to. Given that these bloods were taken 17 days into the 28 day third cycle, this is a good result. Its also sunny. If the arithmetic is to be believed then my cancer is being contained at the moment, or at least the PSA indictor is reducing, which seems to indicate a positive response to the current chemo. I drink a warm coffee in bed and then get up to complete the results grid and up load it to the website library before tucking into toast for breakfast and finishing off with my morning meds.

There is much to be done this morning and I find that my partner has been busy cooking for tonight and tomorrow. I clear the kitchen and then take myself off to do my vitals (all good) and then to sort my clothes out. As lunchtime approaches I sit on the patio in the sunshine and do the crosswords. I am in the middle of this when my youngest daughter appears with her new baby son and partner. This is the baby grandson I have been referring to as Dangerous Beans. We eat lunch and acquaint ourselves with the new member of the family. Its quite warm outside so we move indoors with baby boy and get him to sleep. During this time Amazon deliver some new storage boxes which are destined to house the last of my sisters and families material goods and documents in the loft. I begin to integrate yet more books into the houses over crowded book shelves and having found a new niche for my Brentford signed football I am able to accommodate the boxed ones. The rest, which were awards to my mother will go into storage in the loft. As I unpack more stuff I am able to jettison the cardboard boxes into the recycling. Slow I am getting to the point where It will all be contained in sealed plastic boxes that can go in the loft or the garage. I’m almost there.

Having got this far I return to the sofa and have Dangerous Beans lay on my chest and fall asleep while tea is being prepared. Its a long time since I had a baby fall asleep on me and even long since I sang to one to get it asleep. All goes well and my youngest grandson falls asleep. By the time tea is ready he has to be nudged awake to be changed and fed as the family assemble for tea . We eat and then clear away as my youngest daughter and new mother gets ready to go off to bed early in order to get enough sleep to get through the night. The kitchen gets cleared and the dishwasher loaded as before we all retreat to the lounge and collectively get Dangerous Beans to go to sleep. So here I am drafting the blog as he sleeps soundly on my partners lap happily snuffling along. There will of course be Match of the Day football highlights and then night meds before going to bed and seeing what the night brings. I suspect that youngest grandson will have his own ideas about what the night is for, so we shall see how it goes.

A new universe to grow.