Fight and never become frail.

Monday and struggle to wake but eventually do. I’m craving comfort food so indulge in a fried egg sandwich and a decaf coffee. I take my vitals and down my morning meds. The vitals are good, so the arithmetic on my life my life continues to be good. It’s not how I feel, but I’m not sure how I would accurately describe my current state but it feels that my meds are weaving their side effects upon me. Tiredness and fatigue seem to be top of the list. It makes me dissatisfied with myself and probably accounts for the blandness of the blog at the moment.

I retreated to the Shed to write letters for the morning. It feels like a while since I have been there and I wonder why that is, although life has been somewhat busy of late. Having written for as long as I could I close up the Shed and return indoors. There is a pastry for lunch, my appetite of late has waned. I idle time away feeling restless until it comes time to go and get my 28 injection. Usually it gets down early in the morning but today it is at 3:50. I post my letters, move the car so Tesco can deliver and head for the GP surgery clutching my injection pack. Once there I am quickly into the nurses clinical room and hand over my packet of joy. The nurse it good and hunts around my left side mid rift to find a suitable non lumpy spot and injects me. I book the next injection and also my next bloods prior to my regular oncology review.

Home is via the chemist and shop where I stock up on paracetamol and M&Ms. As I walk down my path the Tesco delivery guy walks up it. So there is a delivery to be put away. Early evening my partner goes out for a meal with a friend. I take my vitals again, all good, and change into my training kit. Its an effort to get changed there is a big bit of me that does not want to do this but I get my ear buds in and some music on and go to the garage. I make the decision to do 45 minutes partly because I have not changed in four days and partly because I can feel myself getting increasingly irritated with myself. I set my session time and resistance level and set off. 45 minutes later I am sweaty and aching slightly. I’ve continued to row in a controlled way at about 75% effort, the result being that I do not reach my usual targets but that is something to work back to.

I manage 8+kilometers and 500+ calories.

I record my session and then change out of my kit. I am tired and my injection site is beginning to feel sore so I watch some athletics. My eldest daughter cooks fresh pasta and I continue to watch the athletics on TV. My evening drifts on till I draft the blog and take my night meds along with some paracetamol to ward off the after effects of the afternoons injection.

Quietly persist