Fight, just fight.

Sunday, I wake up to the expectation of the women’s world cup final. After a wake up decaf coffee my partner and I have toast as neither of us feel like cooked food. I do my vitals and then its time to settle down and watch the match. I will not dwell on the disappointment that accompanies England loosing to Spain 1-0.

I go into the garden and express my disappointment by brutally pruning the roses back. I clear the pond and reinstall the pond pump and solar panel having mended the wires that were severed during the grass being cut. The tomato plants are drooping so I spend time re propping and supporting them. With them now secure I feed them. All this garden work has exhausted me, it appears that I have very few spoons today. Having put aware my tools I return to the sofa and watch the world athletics. Here at least we win medals. There is tea to eat but I have little appetite. This tends to occur at the end of my 28 day injection cycle so I return to TV and take my first dose of paracetamol which I take the day before my injection as a prophylactic to ward of the side effects of it. I draft the blog, edit the Tesco order and then while away the evening till its tine to take my night meds and retire to bed. Tomorrow is my injection day so if things go as usual I’m about to have an uncomfortable couple of days so I do not plan to do anything other than be kind to myself.

Referee! Robbed we were.