Fight and grind every day with humour

Tuesday rocks up and I wake up to find my partner off to work. Real outside the home work which leaves a space on the drive. I have breakfast and watch th first half of a women’s world cup match. At half time I abandon the football and drive to see a friend to have hot chocolate and a chat. She is one of the people who helps to keep my brain fed with reading matter. to my surprise she produced a book for me. I am intrigued by it and I am already looking forward to getting into it. We chat and indulge in cheese scones and warm drinks.

My new brain food.

My friends buys a birthday gift and we return to her house where I pick up my car and drive home. I am back in time to see the second half of the second women’s world cup match of the day. France thrash Morocco. I decide to walk down to the village shop and get a paper but when I get there they have sold out. Instead of going home I go to the village cafĂ© and treat myself to a sausage and bacon baguette accompanied by a hot chocolate. While there I pick up flyers for what is going on in our local theatres and museums. I’m idling with what things I do in the future that will get me out and about again.

Back home I put the bins out and then settle down to read more of A Gentleman in Moscow. Time passes bye and my partner returns home from work. I do my vitals before tea and start to draft the blog whilst watching one of the last Harry Potter films. So I drift into the evening knowing that tomorrow is a free day before life gets busy with oncology reviews, drug pick ups, shows at a local theatre and a meal with friends. So I will use the day to rest before a burst of activity.

Light, water and rock, thus the world moves.