Friday and its time to get my blood pressure done and off to the GP. So I get that done and the rest of my vitals. My partner and I have a chat about how we are and then I get up and get into my training gear. So I start my day with 30 minutes on the rower. Its a session that is hard but I manage to do better than on Wednesday.
By the time I have climbed of the rower someone has delivered the new sun parasol. I decided to erect the new parasol before having a shower so I take the boxes out to the patio and spend a fair while putting the new parasol together including the high tech solar panel on the top of it which drives the light array under the umbrella. My efforts are successful.
Of course there is the challenge of recycling the huge amount of packing and with that done I set about todays crosswords. With lunch done while the washing machine is on I finally get to have a shower. Once clean and dry I ring the doctor to ask for an appointment to see about some rough areas I have that are giving problem. I was expecting to be told that I needed to ring on Monday but to my surprise I am offered an appointment at 5 o’clock’. So I start to draft the blog to pass the time till it is time to get ready and walk down to the GP surgery.
The doctors goes well and I return home via the chemists to an evening of reading and TV before getting my night meds down me, submitting my blood pressure to the GP and going to bed.