Fight, over and over.

Tuesday and I wake up with a sense of needing to do something. This was the day I said I would start to train again, so after a few diversions I get out of bed and into my training gear. The rowing machine is waiting for me in the garage. I strap myself on and set the session for 30 minutes and tentatively start to pull as I listen to radio 2 in my ear buds. Its a strange feeling doing this again after six months and eleven days. I take it gently but I do manage to get to the end of the 30 minutes, I’ve performed at about 30% below what was my usual output, but its a start.

First row for six months eleven days, its a start.
The face of effort

Having trained I get out of my training gear and make myself breakfast. I just about finish my meal when out of the blue one of the Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses rings me. She wants to know how I am, so I tell her that I have just trained for the first time and filled her in on my recent history and my up coming appointment with the lumps and bumps folk. She is very chatty and positive and keeps reminding me that I have been through a lot and that at my age I must not expect to be instantly okay. She had not realised that I had been on my current medication for so long and was sure the oncologist was right when he says my abdominal lumps are a result of five years worth of 28 day injections. She said that it is little wonder that I was experiencing fatigue. The call ended and I felt that at least someone had heard me and that she new I had heard the oncologist.

I was just settling down to skateboarding children at the Olympics when I get a call from my GP surgery. As a result of the blood tests that my GP had done I was being offered Statins for a raised cholesterol level. I pointed out that last time it was borderline and this this time it had dropped so I thought with exercise and a diet adjustment I would be okay, so I politely declined the offer. Frankly I’ve got enough drugs washing around inside me at the moment. I make lunch and settle down and wait for a friend to call as we had arranged yesterday. Mid afternoon my friend calls and we spend over an hour talking about how I am and what has been going and how she is and what has been going on for her. She is the person I usually go and see in York as my mentor and as always she asks interesting questions and makes useful suggestions about my situation. After the call I have some things to think about and to consider. I always find my time with her supportive and constructive.

I go into the evening feeling that I have had a busy day full of contact with people. There is more Olympics and then an episode of Vienna Blood before I take my meds and retreat to bed with a headache. I am hoping to sleep but it alludes me, so much so that I give up on sleep and get up to draft the blog. It 02:20 in the morning, I’m knackered but sleepless but now must try again to sleep.

Hold direction