Tuesday and I wake up having slept more than the last couple of nights, but when I do my “how am I” check I find I am not feeling that chipper. My jab site from yesterday is still sore and I am feeling listless again. I’ve lost my appetite, whatever is going on I have gone off food. Getting up I make a coffee and take my morning meds and then try to get myself motivated but I’m not having much luck. Out of the blue a friend calls just as I am breaking eggs to make an omelette. We chat for a while and she tells me about keeping her children occupied before the family go on their summer holidays and juggling that with work commitments. It was really good to be able to chat. Breakfast is taken on the patio, where I am joined by my eldest daughter. We have a long conversation about work and my chat with my son from yesterday. Its a pleasant morning in the sunshine until the breeze springs up and I retreat inside.
I am not hungry at lunch time so I decide to measure my vitals and to read for a while. My vitals are all good despite me feeling so crap. My eldest daughter brings me todays paper and I set about doing the three regular crosswords. Its taking me longer than usual but my friend rings back for another quick chat as she retrieves her children from a holiday activity. I continue with the crosswords until completed and then change into some clothes that I can go food shopping in. A necessary step as Tesco will not be delivering till later this evening. In a mini burst of activity I put the bin out for collection tomorrow wheeling through the new gates and having a quiet smile to myself. With that chore out of the way I start to draft todays blog. I realise that I am doing very little physically or intellectually at the moment. It is a difficult struggle to over come this of fugue that I am experiencing and wonder once again if this is the side effects of the medications that I am taking or the result of my lack of physical activity. There is a feel of Catch 22 about this whole thing. So I am going to make the effort to accompany my partner to the village shop to track down food for tonight’s tea. I do not fancy anything but know I must eat something.
Ultimately I manged to eat chicken and potatoes before settling down to finish watching series six of SWAT and taking in the Tesco order. Of course I get to the point of taking my night meds and heading for bed unsure what lay in front of me. Tomorrow I have to get my car to the garage and get it MOT’d. It feels like a real challenge but needs must.