Saturday, I wake to the empty house, check my vitals, all good there and then I am up to make breakfast. I clear the kitchen and then set about printing off the poems for this afternoons poetry stanza zoom meeting. I am not contributing this meeting, so I shall listen and keep myself to myself, which is difficult for me. Once I have the hard copies I get them into plastic folders and read them over several times. The group has some really good poets in it and I always feel an interloper. At lunch time Amazon deliver the smart tower fan I ordered yesterday. Of course I am assembling it straight way. It is a beast of hurricane proportions and could probably cool an entire warehouse, efficient is a big understatement. I might have miscalculated the size a tad but by god does it work well. It come with a controller and a phone app, which is cool, and apparently I can hook it up to the smart speaker as well.
The afternoon is taken up with the poetry stanza meeting. As usual the contributions are many and varied. These people really do know what they are doing in the poetry organisation and culture. I hardly speak and do not take a turn to read. It is a connection that I value, strange but there it is. Hopefully by the August meeting I will be able to join in properly. Once over I make my tea and go for a film fest during which I draft the blog. The evening passes till I take my night meds and go to bed. Tomorrow I start my preparation for jab Monday, which means taking paracetamol to ward off the initial side effects. I am listless and need to sleep.