Fight on and on regardless.

Tuesday and I claw my way awake. My partner brings me a coffee and I shift myself to get breakfast and take my morning meds. My partner is going to Birmingham to see a friend for a couple of days so I give her a lift to the station along with my eldest daughter who is going to the physio. I return to an empty house and have a coffee before clearing things away.

I add the details of my new grandson to the family tree. A friend calls and we chat for twenty minutes, catching up with how we are and what awaits us in the future. She is off with her family to Norfolk for a holiday soon and is in the last stages of organising and keeping her children occupied in the mean time. After our call I have another go at archiving some of the documents and photos that are still sitting in our hall way after being removed from my deceased sisters house. I spend hours with files and pocket sheets adding to existing files and creating new ones. I stop for an omelette and coffee and realise I have a stonking headache. Paracetamol taken I get myself sofa’d and draft the blog waiting for the point I feel hungry.

At some point I will eat and then rest early. I am feeling the full force of yesterdays jab combined with the side effects of the chemo. Its one of those days I just have to push through. At the moment I am struggling to think and get my brain to work. I’m fatigued and not functioning well at the moment, hopefully rest and sleep will help.

Just quietly get through