Fight, drugs and more drugs if necessary.

Monday and I wake after a reasonable nights sleep. I do my vitals, good as usual and then get up feeling quite hopeful that I might tackle filling the Hippo bag. However by the time I have had breakfast it is clear that Uluru (bladder stone) is going to have a say in that, By lunchtime I am in pain again and taking co-codamol. Despite lunch and a surprise slab of rock road I find myself resting and reclining. The sun shines but I am unable to take advantage of it. Being confined I tinker with some life admin, banking and the like while I wait for delivery of my current new collections. I had hoped they would arrive early so I could make a YouTube video but it seems they are delayed. In an effort to keep occupied I draft the blog and check to see if the post office enquiry is in session.

The afternoon brings the Amazon delivery of my two new books. Now I can make the YouTube videos for, but that is a tomorrow task. I cook the evening meal as my partner is resting as she is having issues with her hip. It seems we are chipping in what we can at the moment. Once again Uluru makes my evening a misery as my pain increases during the evening, I resort to yet more co-codamol until I take my evening meds, and retreat to bed having drafted the blog. I am distracted, listless and not feeling that I have to many options left to manage all this. I have to last until next Monday, operation day.

My latest two collections become a physical reality.

The ocean will revive.