Fight, outright all in.

Its another Friday and I have slept deeply, by the time I am fully awake my partner is on the way out to meet a friend for morning coffee. The builder badgers are cracking on and the electric badger has also arrived to put lights into the patio. I take my vitals all good) and get up for breakfast. The badgers are a hive of activity but it is clear that the builder badgers are running out of paving bricks so they are waiting for a new delivery. It is a moment when I realise just how much in terms of materials is going into the whole project. The electric badger moves on quickly. I am now waiting for the Americans to send me the publication copies of the manuscripts we have been working on.

Having taken the badgers coffee I spend time starting up the blog and then recoding a video letter to a friend. As the rain slows the builders down I get ready to go to the chiropodist. I almost miss my time as I had it in my head that my feet were going for their treat at two thirty but when I check my diary I am taken aback that its actually two fifteen. I drive swiftly, actually fast to the next village and phone my chiropodist to let her know I am going to be delayed. Actually I am not too late and so I am able to indulge in a relaxed way as my chiropodist sets to work on my feet is a real treat, and difficult to explain. After every session my feet feel elated and provides a genuine lift to ones step. I drive home via the post office office and send my video letter off to arrive tomorrow. With my paper tucked under my arm I drive towards home but I have to park across the road as I can still not get onto my own drive.

Home and I while time away doing the crosswords for the day. Once again I get through them without Google help so maybe its time to move on to more challenging crosswords, the Times perhaps. The evening arrives, the badgers have left having built a new front door step, the house no longer has a big step in and out of it, another unexpected benefit from having the drive done.

The new door step, good to use tomorrow.

The evening is food and TV, not exciting but tonight is all I can manage as I am out of spoons(energy). My feet feel good but the rest of me is not so chipper. I check my emails and to my surprise the Americans have sent the publication manuscripts back to me to do a final edit on and to do the final proof read. I won’t manage that tonight so I have a the weekend to do that. The weekend is going to be busy as we can start to sort out the garden and give the garden guy a chance to get to grips with the overgrown grass. For now its time to take my night meds, down load the new manuscripts and head for bed. Life is just a contrast of light and dark right now.

Light and dark, Dark and Tricky, Waves and Ocean.