Fight all day, all night

Monday rolls around and I wake up with a start at 10 o’clock alone, my partner having gone to work. It seems that exercise and my drugs combine to make me sleep in the morning. I do manage breakfast and my morning meds before checking my messages and emails. I then spend time hanging on the telephone Blondie style to book my next 28 jab for next Monday. This time around I get my B12 jab as well, which I read apparently helps with balance in some older people. I wonder if this means I could drink and not fall over, this would help protect me from falling over breaking my hip and dying in hospital from an acquired deadly infection, every little helps. Jab booked I move on to the prosaic things of life like doing my washing and wondering if a shingles vaccination would with cancer meds. So there is a call to be made to the cancer nurses at some point. For now it is on with the mundane.

Lunch rolls round, so a mug of soup and olive bread later I am putting out my washing and taking pictures of butterflies on the Buddleia. For the first time in a long time I sit and read solidly, Cloud Atlas. I do this through the evening until I finish it. First complete book in a while. My only break is to eat tea, bring my washing in and walk to the village shop with my partner to buy chocolate. Somewhere in there I do a Tesco order for tomorrow.

I finally finish a book

I end the evening with appalling hot flushes and fatigue. Its all I can do to take my night meds and and set the dishwasher going. Tomorrow I hope to write letters from the Shed but for now I try to sleep.

Be kind to self