Friday and I wake up with a to do list in my head. My partner has gone out to work so I spend a bit of time doing my vitals and watching a bit of Lee Evans, what ever happened to him? Once up its breakfast and a quick visit to Amazon to replace the hair brush that mysteriously disappeared at the weekend when I was away ay the Murder Mystery. Being a creature of habit I bought the same one I bought in March 21, that’s one of the hidden delights of using Amazon as a main supplier of “stuff”, you always know how long you have been able to keep it before it disappears. No doubt the old one will turn up now. I message a couple of friends and then I set about one of the major tasks, the checking of my tyres.
It turned out I have a problem. My car stuttered to start up achieving it on a second go, and then on comes the same warning lights as I had before. I drive around the block but the warning lights remain. Back on the drive I pop the hood and check my battery with my new battery tester and find it is down to 48% which is low enough to trigger the warning signs. So I hook up my battery charger and have to wait to see if this works as it did before. In the meantime I have a past lunch prepared by my eldest daughter and then I begin to select which poem I am going to take to the Poetry Stanza tomorrow.
On looking at my recent writings I find most of them are some what down beat after the last couple of weeks difficulties but I eventually settle on two. It is my habit to take two to the Stanza meeting so I can offer something depending on my nerve. I run off the ten copies of each that will be required and squirrel them away in a folder. My eldest daughter has made me lunch so I am able to sit and take a time out before putting my washing in. My afternoon is spent writing and making letters to send to friends. I quick trip to the post office rounds my afternoon off before my partner returns from work. Todays crosswords are done and I drift into a sunny evening. All that is left for me to do this evening is to unhook my battery charger from the car and sort out my washing. Thankfully the evenings are lighter so I can give my car battery as long as possible on charge. I shall need it for tomorrow’s trip to the Stanza.
There is some regular TV Friday night stuff I watch so for me the evening slides along till its time to do my evening meds and try to get a nights sleep. The last couple of days have been relatively good so I am hoping my luck holds for the weekend. The forecasted weather for the weekend is rain free so I’m hoping I might get into the garden and do some tidying up before the grounds folk turn up in a few days time.