Monday and its an early start as my partner and I are going for four nights to a Spar. The day starts with hot water and toast, measuring my vitals and the final packing. When I go to toilet I get a twinge of pain but I am relying on the antibiotics and paracetamol to kick in and see me through. We pack the car, I take a pre-emptive pee and then I drive us to the Spa.
On arrival our bags are taken from us, our car is parked for us and we start our morning and so does my bladder. We laze for the morning having drinks and cake and talking, but I am going for a piss every 30 minutes, then twenty minutes and it’s painful. We have lunch and then get into our room and unpack. I continue to piss painfully every twenty minutes. My partner goes for a swim while I try to rest, answer emails and settle myself. I try to distract myself with emails and end up signing off the final draft of my next poetry collection and the cover design, which my partner likes when she sees it later. My partner returns and I am no better, worse in fact and quite distressed. We decide to leave, we pack, get a porter to collect the bags and load the car. Pain an piss has stopped play. I feel guilty and useless, this was supposed to be my partners much needed rest. My partner drives us home. By luck my eldest daughter is talking to our GP and I am able to talk to him.
He asks me loads of questions and pulls up all my recent scans and reports and out of the blue tells me that I have a large stone in my bladder, something the oncology boys have missed. He is not surprised that I am getting repeat infections, pain and passing blood. He undertakes to talk to oncology for me and prescribes stronger pain control and some stuff to make sure I do not get constipated. I am incandescent that my oncologist either missed the stone in my bladder or chose not to share that with me. My partner and eldest go into the night to get them for me from a late night chemist. They return and hand me my new drugs as I am drafting the blog. My partner makes me pasta before I take my new pain relief. So its been a shit day in more than several ways so I shall stop here because I do not know how I’m going to be on the new pain relief. One thing to celebrate is that my son messaged me to say he has got the job he went for. So something good to cheer the day.