Fight, the weekend fight.

Friday and I wake to yet more rain. I am brought my usual hot water and I skip through my cyber checks and then on to my vitals, all good, before donning my leopard head slanket and making breakfast. I do nothing of note for a while and then have a shower. Showering is taking a lot of spoons at the moment, a friend who is continuing to battle long COVID has confided that taking a bath is less heavy on the spoon economy. I fully agree with her. However I shower and then have the task of drying my now long hair. Once I am dry and coffered I dress and feel much better for the experience and join my partner in a bacon sandwich for lunch. As she goes off with her brother to see her mother I get ready to go out to the post office.

Its cold outside but I am wrapped up warm as I walk slowly to the post office. I am sending paperwork to the solicitor who is still dealing with my sister’s estate a year on from her death. It feels as if the end of the death admin is in sight, which will be a relief to us all. Having sent the documents guaranteed and trackable post I treat myself to fruit pastilles, chocolate buttons and a can of diet coke with a paper. The can of diet Coke is a rare treat from me as all I have drunk for days is hot water and very berry herbal tea. Once home I do the cross words and have my treats before settling down to read my Ruth Ozeki book. This is how I drift through the afternoon, that and messaging my son in Sweden, until my partner returns and I start to draft the blog. Today is very much the needed mundane of recovery from my recent ills.

The evening has world indoor athletics in it and at least one comedy panel game, beyond that I have no idea, although I like to think I will read for a while. There has been no telephone call from the Americans about my book, despite them saying they would ring back. I guess I will have to email them and nudge them. So I tentatively feel I am getting better from my set back but need to be careful with myself and grow the confidence in my body back to a position where I can function in the Real World again. I understand now how people can loose confidence and become averse to going out.

Direction, and holing to it.