Thursday, and the day starts with my usual rituals of checking my phone and drinking hot water. That out of the way I check my vitals, all good as usual. Then its up for breakfast followed by a morning of editing poems. I ring the prostate nurse and leave a message asking for advice. By lunchtime I am tired and make myself a couple of rolls to be interrupted by the solicitor who is managing my sister’s estate ringing me. She brings me up to date and promises to send the final account by end of the day. I carry on reading my Ruth Ozeki book waiting for the Americans to ring me and do the book deal. They never do, bastards. On the bright side the solicitor is as good as her word and sends the final accounts through to be signed off, so I have some admin to do. The prostate nurse rings me back and we have a chat about starting my blood thinners again The evening rolls round and I watch the final episodes of Payback and then take my night meds before heading for bed.
Its been a slow pedestrian day, to allow me to rest and to get a plan together. I’ve rested but not really got a plan, I do know that I need to get out and to become more active again, so that is my next priority.