Tuesday, I wake after a reasonable nights sleep. My partner goes to work and I check my messages and cyber litter. My eldest pops head round the door to ask if I have any Ibuprofen, I haven’t as I cannot take it with my cancer. She retreats. I go down stairs to get breakfast and find my eldest daughter very distressed and throwing up violently. She either has norovirus or food poisoning. She is desperate for Ibuprofen so I get myself together and go to the chemist, When I tell them what I want them for the pharmacists says no. Apparently Ibuprofen is a stomach irritant and is the last thing you want to take. So I take their advice and get Co Codamal and some Dioralyte. I pop into the village store and get a paper and some chocolate orange hot cross buns. They do not turn out to be that good.
When I get home my eldest daughter is curled up in bed, so I set up a bedside table for her and explain what the chemist has said. I leave her with the pills and potions with instructions to stay warm and hydrated. I make breakfast and retreat to my sofa end office to eat and rest after my exertions. I have several WhatsApp chats and divert myself with doing the crosswords in the paper. It takes me a long tine to work through them as I need to pee more frequently. Its clear my symptoms from the last couple of days are still with me but at least there is no blood. I am hopeful that the medication strategy is working. I am trying my very best to rest and be calm. Juggling my energy seems to be an important task at the moment.
At lunchtime I make soup and continue to rest .I discover a women’s football match to watch. Scotland loose to Finland on penalties in a cup final that no one has heard of. I check on my eldest daughter who is still snuggled down in bed but appears to have stopped throwing up. I leave her to rest. I put the bins out and start to draft the blog. Finally I start to read The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, which is the latest book my friend has sent me to keep my brain fed. I remember it being a TV series so settle down to read it while Alexa plays me meditation music in the background.

The rest of the day and evening is consumed with a football backdrop as my eldest daughter recovers what now seems most likely to have been food poisoning and the family trying to sort out safe twenty four hour care for my partners mother. Its been a bugger of a day full of distress and tears as we all try to get through it.

Eventually I take my meds and get myself to bed and hopefully sleep. Tomorrow there will be the ripples of today to deal with and whatever the new day has to throw at us. I can only do what I can and keep fighting forward.