Friday I wake feeling, no knowing, this is a tricky day. I had an interrupted nights sleep and I feel sluggish and and low on spoons to start with. It takes me time to come round, to drink the hot water my partner brings me and to go through my morning cyber rituals. It feels as if I am treading water. I do my vitals and apart from slightly raided blood pressure everything is tickety boo. I get up and make a simple toast breakfast and retreat to my sofa end office. My malaise is broken by the early arrival of my new TalkGo microphine for the laptop. The idea is to get better sound for any videos I make to go on my YouTube channel. Of course I play with it immediately and instantly find that it is not as advertised a simple plug in and use tool. I end up making several test videos with no sound while I rummage around in the settings of my computer. At last I manage it and I am rewarded with really good sound quality.
Before I can get going on some real recording I notice the garden guy has arrived in the garden and is edging the beds and the lawns. I make coffee for the gardener and go out for a chat with him. While in midst chat my partner returns from the physio and joins in the conversation, which ends we depart to do some additional shopping for our visitors tomorrow. I am driven to our favourite garden centre where I eat a substantial lunch and have the opportunity to share bits of information with my partner. The most important of these being that our new mattress is arriving between 1pm and 3pm tomorrow. The weather is closing in and how we juggle the weekend may be up for grabs depending on what my youngest, her partner and new grandson want to do. Lunch over we go to another garden centre to buy additional food before returning home via the chemist.
Once home I once again retreat to my sofa end office and make a YouTube video for my channel. I keep it simple and save using my video editing suit for another time as my nice new microphone seems to be generating a high pitch whine I cannot get rid of with this software. In the end I keep it simple and upload my video to my YouTube channel. I set the time for going live as 7pm this evening. I have no idea what I am doing really, nor any idea what will happen but I guess I will find out over the next few days and weeks, quite possibly absolutely nothing. The link is below, feel free to share it.
The evening arrives and there is visitor prep to do, a meal to eat and a friendly women’s football match to watch. I need to get myself together for a early night so that I can prepare for tomorrow. Its going to be a big day with the visit by the new grandson and parent, a new mattress arriving and whatever unexpected things pop up.