Monday and all the household have all gone to work. I get through my morning cyber chores quickly and check my vitals before getting up to a light breakfast. I clear Daisy dishwasher and then pop my weekly wash in. Once settled on my end of sofa office I start to work on my second collection of poems. There is a rewrite of the dedication to do and the construction of the contents page. The bio also needs to be upgrade for this collection. I beaver away until lunchtime when I take a walk to the village shop to get a paper and doughnuts. After a bit of a rummage in one of the kitchen cupboards I find my glass tea pot and the remains of a canaster of very berry tea. So armed with berry tea and a doughnut I have a lunch break and then start to do todays crosswords, which I flash though unassisted by Google. Reminded how much I like berry tea I order more so that I can continue to indulge in the weeks to come. I get my washing on the line and retreat to the sofa.
I start to write a letter and get into a flow just as Tesco arrives to deliver. I am on my own so it takes bit longer. The driver departs and I squirrel the goodies away. In doing so I find packets of stuff with use by dates at least one or two years out of date. What was I going to do with Panko crumbs I have no idea. So I bin everything that is out of date in one of the cupboards, and it makes a huge difference. I return to my letter writing and get so into it that the afternoon passes quickly. Before I know it I have missed the post collection time so abandon the letter and get my washing in and hung up to take the last of the chill off it. I am pleased that so far today I have been feeling better and avoided taking Lemsip, the less meds I can take the better is my stance.
My partner returns from work and we eat tea, sliding into the evening. There is no football, no rugby and nothing of note on TV so I guess we will hunt through the platforms to find something to watch. I do not really care what it is, as I am running out of spoons and to be honest I just want to get to tomorrow as it is the day I get to hold my book in my hands. I crave that moment of when I physically hold it in my hands, I hope I am not disappointed. One thing I am sure of is that tomorrows blog will contain a picture of me holding my book with an inane grin on my face. So tonight I shall down my chemo meds and head for bed early in eager anticipation of Tuesday.