Sunday and I wake up still with my lousy cold. Its a effort to get up, but get up I do, and have breakfast. I decide to have Lemsip to see if it helps and then wave my partner off to the gym. In an attempt to keep myself going I prepare the manuscript, dedication and bio for my next collection of poems. I’ve decided to change the tittle from Hotels and Restaurants to The Travelling Years so that it chimes in with The Cancer Years collection. I will do nothing with it until l see the Cancer Years actually published. I am still in a state of doubt as to whether this will happen.
My partner returns from the gym and we have lunch by which time there is a rugby match to watch on TV. As the afternoon wears on I feel progressively more crap and decide on a second Lemsip to try and ward off the headache that has developed. In the end I surrender and and try to nap it off while resting on the reclining sofa. I fail so start to draft the blog while my partner prepares tea.
The evening will bring Death in Paradise and an early night along with the usual night meds. Of course there is the Tesco order to do. This all sounds boring and mundane but in the day there have been good messages from friends and I am thankful for them. Its difficult to be ebullient and witty when you feel like crap and the efforts already made in the day have rendered you spoonless but that is where I am at today.
STOP PRESS: My poetry collection The Cancer Years: So Far, is now available on Amazon! I am a self published poet! E-book and paper back available. It has actually happened, I’m knocked out. My partner found me on Amazon this evening at 8:30pm. I could not resists ordering some for myself, and if all goes well they will be with me on Tuesday. I will be able to hold the actual product in my hands, I hope I am not disappointed. For now though I am elated, snotty with cold, but elated.