Saturday and its an early start as we have “drive and patio” man coming to see us this morning. However first thee is the usual look at the blood results that came through last night. They are good and they are below.

There is little time to discuss the results over the early morning warm drinks as we need to be up. This is an effort as I have clearly gone down with a cold, all the usual symptoms but by far the worse being the way all my internal organs appear to be trying to escape via my nose, so I get myself ready clutching a handful of handkerchiefs. Almost dead on nine 0’clock the builder man arrives and we spend the next hour talking about bricks, paving and all the details of the projects he is going to be doing. After all the toing and froing we go and look at where the new front posts are going and then at the samples of the materials he has brought with him. We have a final chat and then he departs.
My partner and I have breakfast and then I retreat to the sofa and start some serious resting as my cold tries to get the better of me. It is clear that I shall not make my poetry stanza meeting, I just feel too crap to do anything other than sit and watch football and rugby. It gets to the point where I cannot bear my runny nose any longer and take an Actifed. I am never quite sure how Actifed is going to react with whatever meds I am taking so its a bit of a gamble. I down the Actifed and wait. Slowly my nose shows signs of stopping its flow. So the day passes as I drift from what ever TV wallpaper is on offer. I intermittently check my phone for messages and check the football scores. Through a lunch of soup and a tea of smoked haddock I laze and mop myself up hoping that I am on the road to recovery. The evening is more of the same as I put myself into cruise mode and draft the blog. Its crap having a cold, I’m going to leave it at that and take it as given that I shall in due course take my night chemo and have a shot at going to sleep. So the good news of my blood results and the growing hope that my book is actually going to appear has been overshadowed by this damn cold. Of course the worst outcome would be for me to slip into the dreaded man flu. Perhaps this can be avoided by an alcohol free spiced rum.