Bloods Friday starts with a start as I wake suddenly and not sure why, but I soo realise I have a runny nose. Bollocks is my first thought followed quickly by “where is my handkerchief?” I check the time as I have to be at the GP surgery for 9:45. I have time to check my phone for emails and cyber litter before my partner brings me my hot water. I sip it quickly, measure my vitals, still all good and no signs of a temperature, rock steady at 36.1 degrees. Just a runny nose so far then . I shower, take my morning meds and walk down to the GP surgery. I am called in quickly and the vampire nurse has a quick chat with me as she expertly draws my blood. Instead of retreating home I buy a paper at the village store and head for the cafĂ©. As the cafe has less than ten sitting spaces it is not required to have a toilet, so it doesn’t, which means I need to time my stays well. I dine on hot chocolate and a bacon and sausage baguette whilst I rattle through the two cross words. Another day when Google is not required, go me.
I walk home slowly feeling snotty and already tired so I take up residence on my working end of the sofa and settle down to rest. My nose persist in running and I debate as to whether or not to take Actifed, it always works for me but I am not sure it is good with my other meds. I decided to rest a bit and see if my nose stops running or not before deciding, my eldest daughter offers me Lemsip but know these are not good with my meds as they have Ibuprofen in them, which definitely do not mix with my other meds. I rest a while to lunchtime when I do little light tidying and play loo roll fairy before making a cup of herb tea and starting the blog. It is at this point my nose runs profusely and I sneeze a lot, which makes the Actifed decision for me, so I take one and sit back adn wait for it to kick in. It will dry my nose but prolong any cold I have by about 24 to 48 hours but I will at least be comfortable. I do need to be non snuffley by 4 o’clock today as the Americans are ringing me allegedly to get my book up onto the Amazon platform. I’ve been here before and it hasn’t happened so I shall wait and see it becomes a reality or not today. Until then I rest with my “I Am Out” hat on.
One or two people have commented on the skating video I posted on yesterdays blog, it appears other people were impressed by it. Its nice to know that occasionally something I post finds other homes.
It’s late, about 11 o’clock and I get an email from the Americans saying my book will go live by Tuesday and have included the ISBN numbers and the prices. It’s going to come out as an e-book and a paperback. I still do not believe this is really happening and will only believe it when I see it available on Amazon. I am supposed to receive some copies but I might just buy a couple off Amazon for the thrill of it, if its all true of course. Now I sit and wait for my blood results to come through as I battle the cold I seem to have acquired. Life can be a really contrary bastard at times. My bloods come in at midnight! They are good again, the arithmetic is in my favour, that’s two lots on the trot, nothing to do but take my meds and go to bed satisfied.