Tuesday, I wake to find my partner gone to work and soon to be followed by my eldest daughter. I check my cyber world for messages and litter and then take my vitals whilst listening to Alexa play me meditation music. I get up and take my morning meds and then get myself ready to walk to the shop and then the village café for breakfast. The rain is light as I trudge the shop to buy a paper and some honey adn maple syrup for the pancakes I intend to make today. The shopping goes well but I am aware that I am already flagging and look forward to a sit down in the village café. I am deeply disappointed when I find the café full and I am forced to walk home to make toast and hot water. The walk is a real effort a I do not feel great but I make it, feeling breathless and not myself. I tell myself I need food and eat as soon as I get in.
As I nibble my way through my toast I do the crosswords in the paper. Another day when I do not need Google to help. Feeling a bit better I start to weigh out the ingredients of my crepe batter. My plan is to make batter and give it time mature in the fridge before I use it. I get the most of the pre mixing work done and then find that the cutlery organiser in the kitchen unit draw is disgustingly sticky. I take every thing out and wash it all and the take the actual organiser out and scrub it clean and dry it off. with everything dry I put everything back in the cutlery draw. This is a prime example of “puttering”.

Having Puttered I am now knackered and need to rest so I put my feet up and start to draft todays blog. I am of course eager to get my crepe batter prepared but it is too early and when I search the internet for how long batter can be child for there is conflicting advice. I should know better by now. Any time I go onto the internet to look for advice there is always contradictory advice. On balance I’ve decided to make my batter for 4:30pm and stick it in the fridge until people come home and have tea after which I will perform my magic. It leaves me most of the afternoon to spend as I wish, but today is a slow day and I find myself trying to rest as I watch the rain outside and realise I’ve not filled the squirrel feeder or taken the bins out for tomorrow. So there is more Puttering to be done and probably some pottering as well.
I mange to get the bins out and I make a batch of crepe batter and pop it in the fridge to chill. I’m tired and so I watch some Disney Star Wars nonsense until partner and eldest daughter return home from work. We eat tea together and I get the my batch of batter out of the fridge and produce shrove Tuesday pancakes for my family. It goes very well and my new crepe pan was brilliant. I am glad I watched a video on how to toss a crepe and I manage to do so without accident. Post tea I watch a bit of Disney nonsense and some TV, but importantly I am able to sort out an issue with my book publication with an acknowledgement that I have paid for both editorial and print costs. I am hopeful that this will move things forward. Tomorrows call will sort it one way or another. My evening ends up with me taking my chemo meds and retiring to bed hoping to feel a bit more lively tomorrow.