Wednesday and I am awake quite early and running through my usual checks on emails and cyber litter before taking my vitals. My blood pressure is all good as is my temperature and heart rate. I spend a bit of time watching some old Mock the Week compilations before getting up. I decide to take myself to the village café for breakfast picking up a paper on the way. I settle down to my hot chocolate and baguette as I get to grips with today crosswords. I take my time before heading home.
Once home I get into more comfortable clothes and sort out some of my clothes as my partner goes off to see her mother with her brother. The post arrives and there are two letters for. This is a real luxury so I make a coffee and settle down to read them. One of he letters is from one of my relatives in Scotland who has tried to contact me by email but unfortunately had a wrong address. I decide to send an email back and share with him the letters and information that I have shared with other members of the family in Scotland. It takes a while to do and then I move on to my second letter from a friend. She shares my disgruntlement at the difficulties at getting my book produced and on the Amazon platform. The letter is a real joy to read. I then have quite a long chat with my son over the intricacies of buy a replacement car where he is in Sweden. There is little left of the afternoon so I check my emails, which leads me onto some internet viewing before my partner returns.
One of the internet finds that made me smile
The evening arrives and I watch a semi final of the African Cup of Nations. I’ve taken it easy today as I am still sore from Mondays injection. This month has not been too bad as some of he side effects that I get have not been too bad his month and I have been able to stay of the paracetamol. Tomorrow I need to give the rower another go and to try and keep some fitness, I also have letters to write. It may depend on how the weather is as the forecast is suggesting early snow and sleet tomorrow and I need to keep warm.