Tuesday and I am lazy in getting up as my partner has gone to work. I do my now usual cyber checks, emails, bank accounts, WhatsApp messages and the rest of the cyber litter. Before I can get up or do my vitals my eldest daughter pops her head around the door to see how am am and to have a bit of a chat. Its a chance to catch up and hear what things in her world are up to. Post chat I do my vitals and get myself breakfast, clearing Daisy dishwasher as I go. I’m settling down to think about things and to write a bit when the garden guy rocks up. Not seen him since last year so we chat over coffee and herbal tea for a while before I retreat inside again and start to think again. My eldest daughter needs proof that she is the active executor of my deceased sisters estate so I have to dig around in the files to find a suitable document. After much rummaging and copying I find a court certificate that does the job. Its almost a year now since my sister died and still the paper work and admin goes on. I really must decide what to do with her ashes. I think I know what I am going to do now, I just need to get myself organised to make the arrangements. If all goes well my family will be spared that particular decision I just need time to make the arrangements.
Lunch comes around and I do soup and start to draft the blog inspired by a picture a friend sent me that seemed apposite to my situation. In fact to all our situations. So the bins are out, now I can crack on with letters and a bit more book preparation. I go one of my bored, screw it phases yesterday and decided to send a photo of how I actually am to shove on the back of the book cover, that may or may not exist. So below is how I actually look when I let my hair down. I friend said I looked like a rock and roll throw back except they are now all clean, sober and play golf. My god golf, perish the thought.

Well there you go, so close yet so far away on the book front. It turns into a wet afternoon so there I am hunkered down on the sofa writing letters and sticking a meal in the crockpot. I decide to abandon the crockpot idea and prepare a cottage pie ready for the family evening meal. My partner returns from work and we eat as a family before my eldest daughter goes off to a gig and I watch half a football match and two episodes of Trigger Point. During the evening I discover that 0%spiced rum tastes good with ginger ale. So as I run out of spoons I wash my night meds down with rum and ginger and finish off the blog before taking myself off to bed. I’m sore from yesterdays injection but I’m holding off taking paracetamol. Its a small gain in the fight but its a gain.