
Monday and I wake up from a deep deep sleep with a bewildered surprise. I am decidedly groggy and wander into the lounge to find my partner already up and reading. My partner makes us breakfast as the wind howls and the rain lashes from the sea. It is England in July after all. I do my morning vitals and take my meds. There is a short trip to the shops to get food for lunch and the evening meal. Before going we collect windproofs from the car, its that kind of day. Having gathered up the food we return to the apartment and stow it away. We then change in to beach clothes, which consist of several layers of windproof clothes.

The walk down to the beach is unsurprisingly people free. When we hit the beach we find we have it to ourselves apart from brave surfers and air surfers plus the RNLI over seeing the heroic few all encased in rubber.

Windsurfers only happy on a day like this.

Wind battered we return to apartment to get unwindswept and to eat genuine Devon pasties. There is business to do with the solicitor and the estate agents who are trying to sell the house my sister left in London. There is much toing and froing by email as we collectively try to reach an agreed strategy. My youngest had another scan to day to see how her baby is coming along so there is a long telephone call later in the day. Wimbledon has started so there is a brief period of watching it before we watch the penultimate episode of Crime. We eat a late tea and watch Crime to its conclusion. Not the best series we have ever watched and totally unrealistic, no advert for anything Scottish. I start to draft the blog as we watch a blind comedian visit places around the world. It was interesting what things he connected with and what left him untouched. It demonstrated the indescribability of static wonders of the world like the temple at Petra but the experience of floating in the dead sea was clearly something that made an impression. I take my night meds and go to bed hoping for a calm nights sleep. Tomorrows forecast is thundery showers and a moderate breeze, so ideal weather conditions to start the crazy golf challenge.

Listening earnestly