Wednesday and I wake to my usual routine of cyber litter, messages and news feed before checking my vitals, once again the arithmetic is good. I get up to make breakfast having got into my training clothes. I am all good intentions this morning as I am dining out this evening to celebrate my partner and my Civil Partnership anniversary. A number of things highjack me during the morning, some of it is just puttering other more self indulgent. I discover that there are 27 volumes of the original Penguin Modern Poets. This is the series I rummage through to find the poem that I put in the blog yesterday and had stayed with me for more than 50 years. I start to buy the odd editions that I do not have and then bingo there is a complete set on ebay. I have no resistance to this. These are all the poets of my youth who were thought of as “Modern”, the poets of my generation and these volumes were meant to make poetry available to the wider populations. Of course some have survived, like Steve Smith, McGough, Ferlinghetti, Ginsberg, William Carlos Williams and several others but others have fallen away but were important in the sixties and seventies. It is poetry that calls to me and which I recognise. Having them all is like finding long lost friends, a reunion of my time gone by.
I fritter time trying to open a pair of watch cuff links but I fail so reject them from tonight’s smart dining outfit. The shower head gets cleaned, I play loo roll fairy and several other boring maintenance tasks get done. Finally I sit and start to draft the blog while my Fitbit recharges. So with earbuds in I finally head for the garage to train, to be followed by some advance preening. In the midst of this comes the news that my new grandson is now teething! Spring has a different edge to it this year. The session on the rower is hard but I am getting a bit fitter. I still cannot get to my usual standard of 6 kilometres but am closer and I burnt a few more calories.

Once out of the garage I record my session and have a shower. I a burst of energy I dress and go to the post of office to send a parcel of goodies to my youngest daughter and then walk down to the village chemist to buy COVID tests as my eldest daughter is not feeling well. Once home its crossword time, which I flash through once again, that’s two days on the trot I not heed the help of google. So I slide into the early evening and dress up to go out to dinner with my partner as we celebrate the fourth anniversary of being a civil partnership.
The meal is delicious and the evening passes quickly so it does not feel like long before we are home. We find our eldest daughter in the lounge watching TV feeling feel sorry for her self and obviously poorly. We retreat to bed and watch the last episode of After the Flood on my laptop before I finish the blog and take my night meds. Its been a full day so tomorrow I rest, at the gym.