Another Friday arrives, I wake early this morning and check my cyber messages and litter before checking my vitals (all good) and then doing the Tesco order for Monday. Once up I make breakfast and settle down for the mornings task of proof reading the final draft of the poetry collection. Its a slow and painful task, I keep tripping over my dyslexia and the slowing side effects of my chemo. I finally finish after lunch time and put all my feedback into a document that I send to the team in Florida.
I am watching the World Indoor Bowls championships when I get an email from the boo project team ask when they can ring me to discuss the next phase. While I am trying to work out the time difference I get a call from the commercial branch of the team who talk me through the details of ISBN numbers and book formats. Of course there is an additional cost, just new there would be, but at the end I am expecting a handful of copies at some point and for it to be available on Amazon at some point in the near future although I have yet to see the final cover. As far as I am concerned I have done all I can and just want to see the final product now. Depending on how it looks will depend on whether I use Amazon again. As usual I have a feeling that I am being ripped off, but we shall see.
With the business done I return to the bowls but Amazon deliver the folders I have been waiting for so I set about printing out the poems that have been submitted for Saturdays poetry stanza meeting. The evening arrives and so does the decision to eat take away while watching a rugby match. It ends and I draft the blog with the news on in the background spilling doom and gloom into the room. I’m tired like the rest of the household so I shall wash my night meds down with alcohol free rum and coke and have an early night, perhaps listen to some more Clive James.