Thursday and I wake after a reasonable nights sleep, but fall back to sleep again. When I do finally wake up its mid morning. I quickly check my cyber stuff, measure my vitals and get up. A simple breakfast and then some gentle puttering. Annoyingly I find I have a headache so I decide on radical self care. I plug in my ear buds and listen to Clive James’s Cultural Amnesia, a book of reflections on the cultural influences on him.

I recline, plug in my buds, put on my I Am Out hat and settle into the pleasure of being read to by the author. And there I stayed, letting myself be educated interrupted only once to eat beans on toast and then return to the listening.

So that’s how I spend my day until I am lured to the world indoor bowling and watch a couple old fat white blokes slog it out over two sets and a tie breaker. Its only a matter of time before some one complains of lack of inclusion, under representation and all the other agendas that are around. It could of course be upgraded to have a wider appeal. Multi coloured balls, heavy music walk on tunes, more adventurous game wear and some bad person behaviour to incite the crowd into partisan chanting and igniting flares. Any way the evening sidles up and I start the blog and look forward to pasta for tea and an evening of bugger all.
I suppose it is a legitimate question to ask if this is a good way to spend a day given my condition. Aught I not be doing something uplifting, making memories or doing something “amazing” with one of my limited stock of days. To be honest I can’t be arsed on some days, have I not made enough memories, done enough to have a day off occasionally? So, today I put down to indulgence in idleness. I will round it off with chemo drugs washed down with an alcohol free rum and coke. I of course have snuck in a couple of things that are not idle like downloading the poems for Saturday’s poetry stanza and acquiring some odds and ends from Amazon.
STOP PRESS: My final draft of the poetry collection has arrived. I know what I will be doing tomorrow now for sure.