Tuesday and I wake up from a night of hot flushes and sleeplessness. I take time getting up. Before I do I do all my usual checks of messages and cyber litter. There are a few messages to respond to but but nothing earth shattering. I do my vitals, still good, and then have a simple breakfast. While I nibble my toast I watch the parliamentary committee on the post office scandal. It is a fascinating watch as the CEOs of the Post Office and Fujitsu try to humble their way off the hook and push any explanation on to the complexity of the situation and the fact that it happened a long time ago, as if that was sufficient explanation of them not being able to answer some really basic questions. By the time lunchtime comes round I’ve added more names to the list of people who will be up against the wall come the revolution. During my watching I decide I’m going to re listen to some of my audio books only to discover that I’ve not got a CD player, so I immediately order one from Amazon.
My afternoon finds me in the bath listening to the Infinite Monkey Cage, which means I get engrossed in several episodes as my body becomes increasingly wrinkly. Eventually I get out of the bath, enlightened about spiders and wine amongst other things. I clear the kitchen and send messages to chase my book. Apparently the team are working on it and will send me the next draft in a few days. While doing poetry things I send my contribution to this Saturdays Stanza members. As there are a lot of people attending I have sent my visual poem that is not required to be read it out. That should save time.
My partner finishes work and goes off to her brother’s to sort out some care admin and I set too and make a pie for the evening meal and get my washing away. The evening consists of eating pie, watching football and sipping rum and coke. During the football match the CD player I ordered this morning arrives so of course I spend time discovering how it works and pairing my ear buds with it. Mission accomplished I can now start my re-listening. The evening trails off as I draft the blog and contemplate my dentist appointment tomorrow morning. It should be plain sailing as it is the fitting of the 3D printed crown. It is the passing of reception and paying the bill that will cause me pain. However for now I am full of my chemo meds and off to bed.