Thursday and I wake after a reasonable nights sleep. The usual checks on my phone get made and before I get up I check my vitals. There is no sign of the first draft of my book. I have breakfast and then I get myself off to the Shed. I stay there all morning writing letters until I take a break for lunch. I return to the Shed to keep catching up with my correspondence. The afternoon darkens and by four o’clock I have finished my letters. I have enough time to close up the Shed and make the trip to the post office to send my letters on their way, taking the opportunity to pick up paper and some chocolate.
On returning home I find that there is an email that has the initial draft of my book with it. I open it and my initial response is one of disappointment. I had set my expectations too high. I put it aside for a while and then returned to it to pick it apart and make feedback notes for the production team. When I was clear about what I want I emailed the team and told them what I actually want. An acknowledgement came back quickly but I now have to wait to see if I am getting closer to actually having a book. The evening rocks up and Amazon delivers my new fluffy training bottoms that I’ve taken to wearing for comfort when at home. I eat with my partner before she does her singing lesson and I watch a snooker match. My evening concludes with drafting the blog and night meds. I wonder how my book is going to turn out. Tomorrow I must make the effort to get out of the house and be a bit more active. Today has been a day of catching up with my letter writing now I need to move on.