Wednesday and I wake to a cold and frosty morning so I huddle down and do my usual cyber checks for messages and litter. Before getting up I’ve done a Tesco order, taken my vitals, checked televised sport (none today worth watching), checked my internet banking and bought some new fluffy joggers. So by the time I get up and dress the basics are done.
Breakfast is a fried egg sandwich and more hot water, morning meds and then I check my blog to see if anyone is looking at it. So my day starts with a quick blog update and I plan the rest of the day. I am quite excited by the fact that the first draft of my book is supposed to arrive today but as its coming from America its going to be later in the day. There is life admin to be done and some domestic chores till lunch rolls round and my partner and I settle down to a bacon sandwich. My partner has been filling in forms and in them I am referred to as “husband who has a terminal illness”, it struck a chord and I start a poem which I continue after lunch when my partner goes to see her mother. Like the poem I wrote two or three days ago it is dark and raw and again I do not feel able to share it here just yet. I need time to think my poems through before I put them here even though access to this site is confined to friends and family.
Its a cold day and I am still sore from Mondays injection so rather than heading for the Shed I hunker down on the sofa and write letters and watch a snooker match. Snooker can be addictive, I am discovering, and when people play poorly I realise just how skilled the good players actually are and that there is a fine line between the two states. I am engrossed in a final frame decider when I realise I’ve missed the post and all I can usefully do is bring the bins in and clear the place up a bit.
My partner returns from visiting her mother and our evening begins. Food followed by an evenings TV entertainment. Every so often I check my email in the hope that the first draft of my poetry book has arrived but I need to be patient and remember that America is many hours behind us, but I am curious to say the least. I guess it may not arrive before I’ve taken my night meds and retired for the night so it will be a Thursday delight, fingers crossed.