Tuesday and it was a rugged night as my jab side effects kicked in. When I woke my partner had gone to work and I settle down to check my messages and cyber litter. I take my vitals and find them to be all good, and am considering breakfast when a friend rings me up to wish me Happy New Year. We compare notes about our festive seasons and all that has been going on for us. Its a real pleasure to have the conversation and t catch up with we both are at the moment. There is significant juggling for both us to do in this new year to keep our energy and to achieve what we want to. After forty minutes we say farewell and I head off for breakfast and my morning meds.
I am sore from yesterdays injection and I had already decided to have an easy day so I sit on the sofa and eat my fried egg sandwich watching the last episodes of series 3 of the Mandalorian. By lunchtime I have finished my binge watch and make myself lunch. I send a couple of messages to the crew in America to chase my book and get very predicable chat bot responses back. I watch Wonder Woman on Disney+ and continue my lazy afternoon watching the snooker on TV while starting to draft the blog. While doing this I nibble snacks and rediscover apples. I realise that my fruit consumption of late has dropped off radically so it was nice to rediscover the humble apple. A quick sortie to put the bins out for tomorrow and before my partner returns from work tells me how cold it is outside.
My partner returns from work and we chat about the day and how we are before we slip into the evening. For me it will be a continuation of my resting and making my way to an early night. So far I’ve managed to avoid taking paracetamol and have kept myself comfortable. I’m hoping I can maintain this. If I can, then perhaps I will be a little more adventurous tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like I need to crawl through the mine fields before I can fight again.