Fight, there is nothing else

Friday, its been a bad gut day, just one of those days when all that is upper most in my mind is the state of my gut. Occasionally I get these days, I suspect it is a combination of my medication and muesli. So today I just list what I’ve done between being concerned about my gut.

  • Deleted over 1000 images off my phone
  • Filled in new years wall calendar
  • Took the Christmas decorations down, striped the tree and re-boxed it
  • Collected the next lot of drugs from the chemist
  • Read a letter from a friend.
  • Took delivery of 15K of bird seed and a rat proof storage bin.
  • Watched more Mandalorian and binge watched Fool Me Once on Netflix.

I finally get to the end of the day, take my meds and go to bed with a growling gut knowing that I am heading towards Jab Monday. This is not a good place to be right now, so I hope for sleep and a settled gut in the morning. Not too much to ask is it?

Sometimes you just have an off day.