Fight is on

Sunday I wake up apprehensively after a reasonable nights sleep. I am wondering how I am and the answer seems to be “so far so good”. I get up take my SATs and make drinks, returning to bed to chat to my partner for a while. Having chatted we get up and eat bacon bagels on the patio as the sun shines. I spend a long time putting some of the family history documents into plastic pouches to protect them. In doing so I unearth some more information about my grandparents generation. I dig out the family tree my sister started to produce and tried to identify some gaps and questions about some of the couplings. I know there is a lot to do but to start with an updated family tree is needed so I order some proper family tree sheets.

These activities take up a lot of time so my partner and I go to the village shop for a paper and ice creams. On the way back we buy tomato plants from a table outside a neighbours front garden. It is Open Gardens in the village this weekend but the place is very quiet and there does not appear to be many people around. Once home I get in to my garden gear and set about planting the tomato plants into big pots. With that done I start to weed out one of the back garden beds while my partner does another. After a period of intense gardening the whole family indulge in a Solero lolly sitting in the garden and being aware that the squirrels are around us as are quite a lot of young birds. I water the garden. Thirty minutes later there is a thunder storm. I take time out to take a second set of SATs. They seem to be okay.

The family dines and then we ring my youngest daughter. We end up having an executors meeting and discussing the intricacies of paying death duties. It ends with me agreeing to draft a letter to the solicitor. I fill the soap dispensers and then return to the sofa to continue the blog for the day.

In terms of my new chemo therapy it appears that I am doing okay although I have moments of feeling tired. I am not sure if it is any worse than usual or if I am looking for signs a result of hyper vigilance. So first chemo day done, I settle down to watch some TV and will down my new meds and go to bed and see what comes along tomorrow. Somehow death admin seems to have crept into the day again, so tomorrow I need to do something outside the home, gym probably.

The ocean absorbs all