Saturday and I wake to a plan. There is coffee and meds and then a burst of clearing and organising before my youngest daughter and her partner and new son arrive. My partner and eldest daughter go off to collect the turkey while I continue to put things away and make space. The visitors arrive as I am preping the draft blog. Its not long before everyone is back and sitting around the table having scones and drinks. My new grandson is introduced to the wonders of a high chair and looks like he enjoys being on the same level as us adults.

Having had our snacks I note that the weather is good, in fact it is good Shed repairing weather so my youngest daughter’s partner and I set about patching and repairing the torn roofing felt. We beaver away and I find myself scrabbling about on the Shed roof. I notice that the neighbours have got chickens again, I guess that means we will also have rats and mice again. Perhaps that’s why the fox comes by occasionally. We spend a couple of hours working away and finally get the job done. Its a real relief to have it out of the way, I could not have done it with help so I am very grateful.

After packing the tools away there is cheese rolls and hot water to have while I rest from the effort. I take the opportunity to update the draft blog while I rest and watch a rugby match on TV. My family are out on a walk, I have no spoons for that.
I drift into the early evening and get introduced to Disney+, which is exciting as I find al the old Star Wars stuff along with the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. There is loads more to delve into and discover. So many Iron Man films. The family dine quite late, my eldest daughter having gone out to a concert with a friend. I am spoonless quite early in the evening and return to the sofa to draft more of he blog, its a family quite time as my grandson sleeps quietly in his travel cot monitored by a camera and sound system.
Tomorrow is a big day as the family is visiting my partners 95 year old mother with the usual Santa run goodies. Once again there will be four generations together, this time celebrating Christmas. So I shall no doubt watch either a film or some television and then head for bed after taking my night meds. I have noticed that there is a parcel for me on the bed which am to open tomorrow morning, my partner also has one. This I think is my eldest daughter playing, I dread to think what she has been up to. I guess the world is wrapped up in is Christmas arrangements now as everyone heads towards the day itself. I’m looking forward to Christmas day, it will be the first Christmas day in decades that I have spent the actual day in my own home with my family.