Tuesday and I wake into practical day, which means I need to get up have breakfast and take my morning meds before the plumber arrives. I manage all this before the plumber turns up and starts to work out the house water system. Eventually we get all the appropriate water sources turned off and he sets to work taking out the old shower and putting in the new one. One cup of tea and an hour later the new shower is in and working. I pay the plumber in crisp notes and wish him a merry Christmas.
My morning continues with the sorting out of my tax papers during which friends ring to say they are going to drop by. My papers come together around lunchtime just as my friends arrive to drop off a presents. We sit and chat for a while and bring them up to date with what has been going on for us. They are not able to stay long and soon head off. I get in to the garden and fill the squirrel and bird feeders before draining the water butt again. I am not feeling particularly good today and settle down to rest. The evening rolls around as does an early football match. I’ve already moved the car so Tesco, who are running late, can deliver and put the recycling out. Eventually Tesco deliver and Christmas goodies get put away before I have time to draft the blog.
By the end of the evening and I have taken my night meds I have a sense that my cancer is beginning to affect me more. I’m feeling tired and my gut is off. I think there is traces of blood in my urine. Its difficult to know for sure and of course it raises my anxiety. So I finish the draft blog and take myself to bed hopping that sleep will help.