Fight right up to our necks in it.

Tuesday and I wake up at 10 o’clock after a torrid night of non sleep or broken sleep. I feel sludgy and dopey. I get up and down a muesli breakfast and cranberry juice. I try to count how many spoons I have for the day but I’m not sure I get the right number, my spoons seems to be small today. I pick a task and try to get on with it. My task: begin to pack for holiday. I set about getting my case out from its hiding place and begin to select the clothes I will take. Part way through I check the weather forecast for the holiday period. It is a depressing exercise as the forecast is unremittingly overcast and wet. I return to the packing and checking I have enough warm and waterproof clothing. Of course the ubiquitous pack a mac becomes part to the plan and the books get bigger.

At lunch time my partner makes me sandwich which I eat on the patio which watching the squirrels feed. Then its back to the packing and the tricky calculations of how many pairs of socks and underpants the holiday is going to require. Eventually I get to the point I can do more so I take my afternoon vital and get ready to train. I feel very tired but I need to train to ward off the side effects as much as I can. So I get into my kit and head for the garage and set myself up for a half hour gentle row. It turns into a crap session, my nose runs, my earphones fail and I do not meet my usual standard goals. I clamber off the rower and head for the sofa to recover.

A crap session but I get close to the usual goals.

My partner finishes work and we co-ordinate to get the bins out and I then get out of my kit. Inevitably at this point I go for a piss. This is now an anxiety provoking activity. I now have a new definition of a good day. If I train and do not piss blood afterwards, its a good day. It keeps things simple and grounded. Today, thankfully, is a good day. I eat tea with my partner and then draft the blog. This evening I intend to rest having taken more paracetamol to dull the injection site soreness and watch TV. It won’t matter what as long as it gets me to bed later on. I know I have some London business to take care of but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Cartwheels are fun.