Fight, who wouldn’t.

Thursday and its raining again as I wake up. This is day two of cycle 7 and its starting to be a slow day right from the off. I go through my routine message, email and cyber litter sifting. There is nothing of note in all of this except the bill from the tree man who was working here yesterday. I eventually get out of bed and have breakfast and begin to make a plan for the rest of the res of the day. There are some messages to be dealt with from the solicitor.

Noon rolls round all too quickly. I and my eldest daughter walk down to to the village pharmacy and shop to gather up some food but also my next drugs order including the coming Mondays injection. In anticipation of the injection weekend my eldest daughter and I round up as much paracetamol as we can. The household has run out so by the end of our trip we have gathered up four packets of paracetamol, that should see us through. I take a quick trip to the post office and get stamps for my partners Christmas cards. Once settled in home again I watch the penultimate edition of Steph’s Packed Lunch, eat a sandwich and continue to watch the COVID review. Boris is continuing to be quizzed and wriggling like a worm. The KC representing people with Long COVID could get nowhere with Boris who just kept saying that the best way of dealing with Long COVID was to stop people getting COVID in the first place. He was unable to say anything constructive about Long COVID in its own right. By the end of the hearing today Boris had done nothing to change the view that he is a slimy toad. Apparently such phrases as “utter bollocks” and “fucked up” are to be considered unpolished language designed to encourage freedom of speech and to widen the range of opinions given in government.

My evening moves on to tea followed by a taxiing of my partner to a friend for coffee before settling down to a football match. I’ve done bugger all today really, I’ve not read, not trained, not gardened and written nothing, but I have discovered that its good that jam doughnuts come in bags of five. In effect this has been me marking time on a very rainy day. My eldest daughter goes out with friend so I spend my evening watching football and Mock the Week. What remains is to draft the blog, take my meds and get a good nights sleep.

So much comfort in such simple things!