Fight double hard

Saturday I wake in the spare room with my heavy cold for company and I feel absolutely crap. My blood results came in last night, they are okay. The raised potassium is due to me hitting the chocolate hard over the last week or so. No more chocolate or ice cream. The internet tells me I can have jelly beans in moderation and of course fruit.

PSA falls again, chocolate raises potassium. The rest are okay. Arithmetic is good.

I quarantine myself in the spare room, take to my bed and do Lemsip and toast before spending all day napping, Lemsiping, and watching the laptop. Six o’clock I eat and return to my laptop in bed. That’s me for the evening till night meds, Lemsip and hopefully sleep. That’s me done, I’ve dug in and will wait it out now. Good night.

At least the weather is sunny