Fight, adapt and survive.
Happy Halloween

Up early as my household goes off to work. I’m not feeling my best, headachy and sluggish, but I get up and do breakfast as I catch up with the news and my cyber litter. I clear the kitchen and then I go to the Shed where I settle in to write letters. This is where I stay as the weather turns showery. Lunchtime comes around and I make my self soup to take back to the Shed along with the treasure of two letters from friends. As I sip my soup in the Shed I read my letters. They are a mixture of joyful adventures, holidays and sad news. From the wonders of CERN to learning that a friends daughter, who I have known since she was a young girl has been diagnosed with cancer. It’s heart breaking and desperately sad.

I return to writing letters and sending messages until I can longer focus. I get messages from friends who are preparing to go trick or treating, clearly there are excited with Halloween. With the Shed closed down I go to the post office to send my letters returning to get ready to train. I am low on spoons but its been five days since I last trained and I need to train to keep the worst of the chemo side effects at bay. I get into my kit and go to the garage to the rowing machine. There is a chill in the air and already the light is failing. I get going on my forty five minute session. I am sluggish and stiff after five days but I persist and get to the end just short of my usual standard.

Just 155 metres short of my standard and 26 calories short.

Unstrapped from the rower I am back on the sofa recording the session. I head for a bath with a bath bomb addition. Once in I reread my letters, this is where my partner finds me when she returns from work. The evening starts with drafting the blog and then having a meal. I am more or less out of spoons now and will watch tonight’s football match between the Belgium and England women’s teams.

You can never overdo the frog and spiders web …