Fight, really, yes really.

Sunday and I wake up to nothing of note. I make warm drinks for my partner and myself and then enter into the Sunday competition of who is going to be last to get up. As I get hungry I decide I need some motivational music so I get Alexa to play the Sorcerer’s Apprentice to get me up. It works!

A good piece to get you out of bed.

My day then started with a mistake. I thought it would be good to have kippers on toast for breakfast. Won’t be doing that again, not that they were not nice but I was eating them for the rest of the day. I think my cholesterol level will have to stay as it is rather than eat kippers to help lower it. My partner goes to the gym after face timing our youngest daughter. I hoover the house through but find it blows my spoon economy out of the water. I take my vitals and update my Excel spread sheet. The personal arithmetic remains good so I find my lack of energy and increasing anxiety frustrating. I rest for a while before running off some of the papers that have come through on my sisters estate. All I have energy for is watching the rugby match on TV. So I slide into the evening, drafting the blog, ultimately to take my night meds and going to bed.

I feel like I am sliding, I’m not sure why, but I know I look like I should be able to do all the old Roland things I used to do, but I can’t. Inside is where the battle is going on. I am applying all my psychological tricks on one front while I physically wrestle with the cancer on the chemo front. Its tiring, so I take my time. Reading helps, training helps and quiet helps.

The wind is blowing

I stand