Fight it battle by battle.

Wednesday and I wake with a sense of relief and feeling better than I have done for a few days. It is a good feeling to have sold the house in London both in terms of managing my sisters estate and psychologically. Collectively the executors of my sisters estate were anxious that with the state of the market it could have been a difficult and drawn out process that took us into a winter and all that would mean for maintaining an empty house. Thankfully that has been avoided and is now someone else’s problem. They are probably planning to rip the guts out of it as I type this but I really do not care. Mostly I am pleased to be rid of the weight of it and the associations it held for me. It feels as if I have finally cut the ties to a place I could not wait to get off when young and sever my ties completely with London, a place I left with no regrets at all. All that remains now is the tedious flog through the rigmarole of tax returns and dealing with HMRC. I am quietly hopeful that the tax consultant hired by the solicitor will sort that out.

I have breakfast and clear the kitchen as usual and then take a brief time to start the blog before going to the Shed to start writing letters and thinking about next Saturdays Poetry Stanza meeting, which is face to face. I also realise that I am down to my last stamp, which in my world is a crisis. So it seems that my day’s priorities fall neatly into a to do list of, write, stamps, exercise and rest.

Over the day I manage to spend time in my Shed and write letters, replenish my stamp reserves and provide fish and chips for my partner who has visited her mother in the afternoon and wrestled with the impenetrability of the banking system. No training as by the afternoon had rolled round I was knackered, this is clearly a low spoon day. So I make no apology for a short and bland blog today, some days are just difficult and less inspiring than others. Although I woke up quite chipper I have declined quite quickly today, one can never tell how its going to go on any one day. I shall watch Race Across The World and then take my meds and take myself to bed with a book. I get another shot at it tomorrow.

Sometimes you have to cross the desert to get to the water.