Fight slow or standing still but fight

Wednesday, welcome to cycle 5, I wake up feeling off. A sort of shaky anxious off, I’m not sure if its the meds or a combination of meds, training and dealing with my sisters estate. I just don’t feel right and wonder if the oncologist warning of being slowed down is coming true. I laze in bed and try to rearrange a dinner date for the group of old colleagues and friends who I met up with on occasions and I also send emails to the executor group of my sisters estate over some issues that have arisen and cost me some sleep last night. My intention was to laze for a while reading David Sedaris’s Dress Your Family in Corduroy & Denim but instead I get up for Toast and coffee trying to settle myself down, in doing so I start to draft the the blog and get my head straight for the day. As my first step to getting my head straight is usually a “to do” list and I guess that’s where I will start. A few mundane things to get me going and then perhaps something a little more ambitious, but what that might be I’m not sure yet.

Apart from a chat with the window cleaner, emails to a solicitor, a bowl of soup and watching the film Dune, part 1 all afternoon I have done bugger all as the rain has fallen outside. However due to a friend of my partner going down with COVID I get to go out with my partner for a meal this evening as it seems a shame to waste the reservation. My doctor has sent a message to everyone saying they are reverting back to requiring everyone to wear a mask when visiting the surgery, which reminds me a friend has sent a picture of his rapid flow test (remember them) showing the tell tale two lines. Feels like we are being crept up on by another wave of COVID. I’ve of course order more masks, more liquid soap and hand sanitizer and will reassess my toilet roll stock immediately. I think my strategy will be one of Panic Early for Christmas COVID.

As I fall into the vulnerable category I am now conscious of having to look after myself a bit more., so I shall be taking stock of unread books I have in reserve and writing paper and envelopes although I suppose the safer thing to do would be to send very long emails. As we move into Autumn I’m hoping my flu jab and COVID booster actually work. I could do without a winter of discontent I’ve got enough on my plate at the moment including avoiding the temptation of a pudding at tonight’s meal and blowing “no sweets, cakes and biscuits” October.

So I go for a meal and learn that my new grandson is going to hospital with a temperature with his parents. By the time we have eaten and returned home my new grandson and parents are in hospital having been diagnosed with COVID and in a side room on a children’s ward. I’m speechless at the cruelty of the world, For Fuck Sake does it never end.

Nope COVID is coming, keep safe