Fight all the way, day in day out.

Tuesday and I cannot afford to lull about in bed as today I’m off to the dental hygienist. So there is time for toast and coffee before I give my teeth the pre dentist scrub and mouth wash. I chose one of my comfortable ice hockey jerseys, pack a book into my jacket and wander down to the dentist. Luckily I had stowed my book as I had quite a long wait before I was called into the hygienist. I sit in the reclining couch of pain and chat while my notes get up dated. Then it begins, all that scraping, drilling and messing around inside my mouth. Eventually my teeth get polished and given the standard thou shalt not use your mouth wash unless told to by the dentist, thou shall use these mini inter dental brushes before going to bed and thou shalt brush at least twice a day. I hate those inter dental brushes and their colour coded sizing. Who has time last thing at night to go through every gap in their mouth with tiny bottle brushes. Life is just too short isn’t?

I return home to an email from the solicitor telling me that new forms need to be signed and their is an issue with the house sale in London. I email the solicitor to clarify what a new clause means. He comes back quickly and reassures me that we are not at risk. I set about preparing the new paper work so that when my eldest daughter returned home the papers could be resigned. My partner and I walk round the village to stretch our legs and collect some food from the village shop on the way. Lunch follows and then my eldest daughter duly arrived and signed the papers so that we could drive round to my partners brother so that he could witness the signature. With everything signed its off to the post office to send the documents off for arrival the next day.

Once home again its chore time as the bin is put out I empty the room bins and try to get things a bit straight. I can feel myself running out of spoons so I slow down and sit and do todays cross words. So the day ends and the evening slides into view with tea on the horizon and TV following close behind with mixture of crime, football and Party Gate. I draft the blog, down my night meds and go to bed knowing that tomorrow is going to be a challenge, dentist at 10:20 and COVID booster jab at 1:38pm. Its been a day of disrupted intentions, of bits and pieces but then that’s the juggle of the everyday.

Ready steady juggle.