Fight, rage against the invader

Tuesday, I wake up in the spare bed again, the night sweats are grim. They wake me in the night and I swap bedrooms in an attempt to get cool and get back to sleep. I wake up tired and I am beginning to think that there is an element of drug side effect in this tiredness. My vitals get done and they are all normal. I get up and do a muesli break fast. I miss coffee and lemon squash is getting boring and not satisfying at all. With the “stay alives” done I settle down to go through packets of old photographs and put them into new pocket files so the backs can be read easily. I spend all morning doing this filing and sorting until my partner presents me with a roll and grapes.

Post lunch I move my car and put the bins out for tomorrow and then its back to filing photos. I finally run out of files. Its mid afternoon so time for another set of vitals, again they are normal. I’m feeling very fatigued but in a real effort I get into my training kit and go to the garage. I set the rower up for an hour and start off very slowly feeling crap. The first half hour is really tough but just as I am getting into my stride my partner nudges me with a phone telling me its the solicitor. I am not pleased. I stop rowing and talk to the solicitor and in the end tell her exactly what price to put on the London house and quiz her about other aspects of the estate. She goes and by the time I get back to the rower I have lost my session data. I reset the rower for half an hour and start again. I get to the end sweaty and aching. In total I have done 65 minutes and I calculate I have burnt 800+ calories and rowed at least 12.8 kilometres. I towel down and return to the house take paracetamol and change my clothes. Tea is served, eaten and then I retreat to the sofa to draft the blog. My evening will be short hopefully, TV, night meds and bed. If I can raise the energy I will go to the gym tomorrow and do more document filing and preservation. This new drug is taking its toll subtly through feelings of tiredness and listlessness, at least I hope it is the drugs.

Increasingly the former.