Fight through it all, even the paperwork.

Wednesday and I wake up and for once I feel a bit chipper, so I am hopeful of training today. I pop myself into my wearable blanket and head downstairs to make toast and coffee. I settle down to eat my breakfast and to read more David Sedaris. After a while I check my emails and find the quote I’ve been waiting for from our tree men. The price is reasonable so I reply and ask to fix a date. I am on a roll so I read the gas and electric meters and submit my readings. My new statement is back very quickly and I am pleased that once again the household has come in under budget for the month.

My partner is on her way out to see her mother when she picks up the post to find documents from the solicitors, they are for my eldest daughter to sign and complete. I undertake to make copies and fill the forms in on a copy set so that my eldest daughter can just fill everything in and sign them off. Sounds simple but it turns out to be a nightmare. The printer at first will not copy the documents and I spend an eternity getting the printer to work. I also have to ring the solicitors as one of the enclosures is missing. Once I get the forms copied I set about filling them, in truth there is only one that requires any detail the rest just need my eldest daughter to sign. I start to fill in the form adn pretty soon its clear that no one in the family has the information required. I start to go through other documents to try and answer what is required. It becomes a mammoth task and I end up having to run off another wedge of papers. It takes all afternoon and I am still not finished by the time my partner returns from seeing her mother.

I eventually get as far as I can. I will have to sit down with my eldest daughter and go through all the forms at some point after which we will need to find an independent witness. So I go into the evening really pissed off as I had planned to make pie for tea and that plan went out the window. I get to watch half the rugby match I had planned to watch and end up thoroughly grumpy. My partner cooks tea and we prepare to watch a series we have ben following on ITV-X. All we could get was Error code -7. So even the TV is against me today, I’ve just about had it with technology. I draft the blog while four “celebrities” and A N Other flog their way from somewhere south to north Finland. I feel myself drooping and an underlying irritability. My new plan for the rest of today is take my night meds and go to bed and read. Tomorrow I am going to the dentist, which will open up another chapter of pain. So what started as a day of feeling chipper has end up as one of feeling homicidal.

Raspberries to it, adapt and move on.