Wednesday and after a night during which I found myself eating a cheese and picked onion sandwich at about 3:30am due to some insomnia, I get my self organised and take my vitals. With a little procrastination I get up and make breakfast. I have a mission today as I have decided to pursue a new poetry project. The first step after having donated some poetry books to the local library is to take the necky step of sending a set of collections to the Poetry Review the journal of the Poetry Society. So I write a brief letter offering them for review or publication, or more likely FIBed. (Filed In Bin), wrap them in bubble wrap in an envelope and walk over to the post office and get them sent off to the editor of the Poetry Review. So step one compete, all I need to do now is wait for silence or a polite fuck off we don’t do that, or a very surprising positive acknowledgment.
Once home I get onto the patio and spend time doing todays crosswords. With all of them done without the aid of Google I go in search of the garden camera. I spot it where the tree team had placed it out of the way. The likely hood is that the batteries are dead. I make myself lunch and then set about down loading the contents of the camera. I am not expecting anything but to my surprise there is hedgehog activity. I thought that since I buried one some time ago that we had become a hedgehogless garden.
Having refilled the camera with batteries and replaced it in the garden I return to the poetry project. I check the contents of The Cancer Years: Breathless and put it into a Zip file. With that prep done I email my American editor/ project manager/ minder and tell him I am not doing audio books but he can make me an offer on price to prepare and publish the next collection. I will be interested to see if he rings me. With that done I start to draft todays blog while listening to yet another episode of Mark Steels in Town.
As my partner is going out tonight I shall watch the para Olympic opening ceremony and see that they have come up with. I’ve chosen not to train to day but hopefully I can get back to is tomorrow. The para Olympics opening was to tedious to bare for long, so I ended up watching football followed by Celebratory Race Across the World. I take my meds and tinker with the blog before going to bed.