Fight even as you party

Sunday and its the day of my partners mothers 95th birthday party. I hear the sounds of baby in the house and I am brought a coffee to remind me that there are things to do. I do join the family for croissants and more coffee before downing my morning meds and then helping with preparations. Bags get packed with party food and before we depart I load Daisy dishwasher and set her to work. The family leave the house and drive across the forest to the my partner’s mother. we are greeted by her carer and we are soon laying the table with food.

The whole family turn up, so for the first time in years everyone is there. The only people who are not there are my some and family but as they are in Stockholm it would be tricky for them to get over for the day. I spend time chatting to the career who I had not met before and then with family members. My overwhelming sense is one of vibrancy. I think it is to do with mixing of the generations and what seems like fewer opportunities for them to meet. There is eating and drinking and a lot of catching up with one another and of course a cake and candle moment. There are is a baby, a toddler and a junior amongst us adults which adds to the richness of the mix and quite a range of new parents and new grandparents. Of course there was only one great parent who seemed to enjoy having her family around her.

Inevitably the time comes for the family photograph and the clearing away of the debris of the feast. We say our goodbyes load up cars and drive off. Once home I take a quiet moment on the garden swing seat in the sunshine and reflect on the afternoon. My partner joins me. We note that since COVID and my cancer there has been less times that the family have met and that no one has had the energy to do the hosting. We have all had our issues and I remember and miss our hosting a Christmas family gathering. Perhaps this year if I and my partner feel up to it, we will see.

We sit down as a family and eat tea while the new young baby sleeps peacefully. At the end of the meal we clear the decks, load up Daisy dishwasher and return to the lounge to watch a baby sleep and some TV. During the evening I take photos of the new grandson.

So peaceful.

I draft the blog and while watching TV and then the football highlights. I sit with grandson and his dad till I droop and go to bed.

Universe upon universe, what could be better.